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an album by how to make a bomb
1. holy sword 04:16
2. twin bed 02:45
3. do you still want me to die? 03:20
4. you're on my mind 03:50
5. catz (cover) 02:04
6. slow down 03:30
7. groundhog day 03:40
8. i want you 01:56
9. shadow blade 04:16
[spotify] | [apple music] | [youtube] | [bandcamp] | [soundcloud] | [steal] |
> i listened to wayyy too much alex g and made this in like a week
> this is technically just one album but half was different enough and i wanted to have fun and release a double EP
> the goal for this album was just to have fun writing music
> i recorded some of these songs with just the mic on my laptop and i really tried to not use very many effects
> my favorites are holy sword//shadow blade, twin bed, and i want you :)
> thank you for listening to my album <3
[spotify] | [apple music] | [youtube] | [bandcamp] | [soundcloud] | [steal] |